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Getting started on Zwift

If you’re just arriving to the world of indoor cycling, it may seem a little daunting: which type of trainer should I buy? Which accessories do I need? How does it all connect? What do I do on Zwift!? If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, fear not, we’re here to help.

With many excellent Zwift resources on the web, there seems little point reinventing the wheel with another ‘how-to’ guide. So, instead, we’ve collated a list of top-notch articles to help you understand the gear you need, how to get set-up plus some next-level tips to enhance your Zwifting experience!

Of course, first port of call should be Zwift’s official getting started guide. Here you’ll find a bunch of articles covering equipment required, how to get set-up and what to do once you’re riding!

ZwiftInsider, authored by Eric Schlange, is a fantastic resource for the novice Zwifter right through to your seasoned ‘Zwift pro’. ZwiftInsider is constantly updated with new articles by Eric plus guest contributors, including getting started hints, course guides, racing tips, equipment tests and… pretty much anything you can think of in the Zwift world!

Here’s a list of ZwiftInsider articles to get you up to speed with minimal fuss:

Shane Miller, aka GPLama, is one of YouTube’s prominent vloggers in the Zwift and cycling-tech world. Shane’s been a Zwifter since the (very!) early days and his YouTube channel is a goldmine of advice and ‘Swift Zwift Tips’.

Below we’ve collated a bunch of videos to help get you started, plus some nuggets to level-up your Zwift experience:

Let us know below if you have some great Zwift tips or resources to share!

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