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Nerd Alert podcast: The CEO of SRAM gives us the lowdown on the supply chain

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Nerd Alert podcast: The CEO of SRAM gives us the lowdown on the supply chain

If you’ve tried to buy anything bike-related over the last couple of years, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that no one has anything in stock — like, ANYTHING. But why is that? Has the pandemic really disrupted global production that much on the supply side, or is it that so many more people are trying to buy stuff on the demand side?

James and Dave sit down with the CEO of SRAM, Ken Lousberg, to get the inside story from one of the biggest players in the industry to get the full story. You won’t want to miss this one.

Never miss an episode. Subscribe to our ‘Nerd Alert’ podcast on iTunesSpotify,  Google or wherever you get your podcasts.

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