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The Monday Roundup: Helsinki how-to, city haters, and more

Welcome to the week.

Here are the most notable stories our writers and readers came across in the past seven days…

“Aggressively experimental”: When Boston shut down a major subway line, they boosted support and space for non-driving alternatives and it worked so well they’ve made some of the changes permanent. (Governing)

Bike share resiliency: As climate disasters befall more cities, those with high-quality bike share systems can rest easy knowing that municipal bike rental programs are likely to be the last mode standing. (Bloomberg)

Bike aid stations: New York City will launch a program to create aid stations out of old newsstands for bicycle delivery workers. (Time Out)

City haters: “Republicans don’t actually have any ideas about solving crime. They just want to revel in its rise,” pretty accurately describes a lot of city haters making noise in Portland these days. (Slate)

EV tax: Curious what gubernatorial candidates think about tolls? Both Tina Kotek and Christine Drazan agree that e-car drivers need to be paying more of their fair share. (Portland Tribune)

Bike lane money: Any city with a population of over 100,000 can apply for a $1 million grant to build bike lanes thanks to a new initiative from Bloomberg Philanthropies spearheaded by former NYC DOT commish Janette Sadik-Khan. (Guardian)

Vehicle arms race: As vulnerable road users, it behooves bicycle riders to know why police vehicle fleets are moving toward larger and larger SUVs. (Curbed)

Helsinki how-to: Decades ago, leaders in Helsinki made an intentional choice to not become a car-centric dystopia and they coupled that with strong anti-speeding policies and a solid transit and biking system so that today they have very safe streets. (Bloomberg)

Video of the Week: Don’t miss this detailed tour of the I-205 bike path from Bike Stuff:

Thanks to everyone who shared links this week!

I have four children (including this website) and live in north Portland near Peninsula Park. Contact me at @jonathan_maus on Twitter, via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a supporter.

(Originally posted by Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor))
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