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Video: An easier way to get to Jantzen Beach Shopping Center

Our latest video was made to help you navigate a part of town that everyone could use help getting through: The messy I-5/Hayden Island/Jantzen Beach jumble.

I’d ridden between Delta Park in north Portland to Jantzen Beach and Vancouver dozens of times over the years before coming across this shortcut. It’s a little path that helps you avoid some of the worst bike routes in the region. I call it the Hooters Shortcut.


If you’ve ever tried to get from the I-5 bike path northbound to the Jantzen Beach Shopping Center, you probably took the standard route that Google and the City Bike Map recommend: a circuitous route that requires you to awkwardly cross a freeway off-ramp in a crosswalk, routes you up onto a narrow sidewalk, includes several beg buttons, and then puts you on a dodgy, debris-filled, unprotected underpass bike lane. I always feel so disrespected when I take that route.

But there’s an easier way! Watch the video to see what I mean. And if you liked this video, please subscribe to our growing YouTube channel and give it a “thumbs up”. If you know of a cool shortcut that could help others get around by bike more safely and efficiently, let me know so I can consider it for an upcoming video.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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(Originally posted by Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor))
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