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Common Injuries

Cycling is a fantastic form of exercise and transportation, but like any physical activity, it carries the risk of injury. Here are some common cycling injuries:

  1. Knee Pain: One of the most prevalent issues among cyclists, knee pain can result from overuse, improper bike fit, or incorrect pedaling technique. Conditions such as patellar tendonitis, IT band syndrome, or patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner's knee) are common.

  2. Lower Back Pain: Poor bike fit, improper riding posture, or spending long hours in the saddle can lead to lower back pain. This can range from mild discomfort to more severe issues like muscle strains, spinal disc problems, or sciatica.

  3. Neck and Shoulder Pain: Cyclists may experience pain or discomfort in the neck and shoulders due to prolonged riding in a forward-leaning position. This can lead to muscle tension, stiffness, or even nerve compression in severe cases.

  4. Saddle Sores: Friction and pressure from the bike saddle can cause skin irritation, chafing, or saddle sores, particularly on longer rides. Poor-quality shorts, improper bike fit, or lack of personal hygiene can exacerbate the problem.

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